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    When you work with Gates, you can expect industry-best solutions as our standard. That’s because we’ve tested every material handling hose component, coupling, and accessory to withstand the abrasion of rough materials like sand, sludge, and cement, even under extreme environmental conditions. If you need a specific hose length or assembly, contact your Gates representative.

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    Bulk Master™ Sand Blast 120D


    Bulk Master® Sand Blast hose is recommended for use in shot and sand-blasting operations where highly abrasive material is moving at high velocity.

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    Black Gold® ABS Bulk Material - 300D


    Black Gold® ABS Bulk Material hose is ideal for applications handling crude oil, salt and fresh water, tank bottoms, drilling mud, dilute solutions of hydrochloric acid, diesel fuels, and sewage transfer.

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    Bulk Master® Plus


    Bulk Master® Light Duty hose is for use in vacuum service in industrial and maintenance applications conveying air, dust, fine particles, leaves, grass, etc.

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    Bulk Master® PVC


    Extremely durable hose used in the transfer of bulk materials via suction, gravity or pneumatic systems where resistance to internal abrasion is the primary requirement.

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    Bulk Master® Hot Air Blower


    Bulk Master® Hot Air hose has a specially designed EPDM tube material that can also be used for transferring mild chemicals at ambient temperatures.

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